Hey everybody! It's Stewart! I bet a lot of you were wondering where I've been all this time. And I bet a lot of you were probably thinking, "Uh-oh. What sent Stewart to the hospital this time?" Haha! I do go to the hospital a lot, but that's not where I was the past few days. I bet you'll never guess where I was. But try just for fun!... What did you guess? Haha! WRONG! I was in South Dakota! I was trying to go to the hospital in Wisconsin to visit my grandmother, but somehow I got the gates confused at the airport, got on the wrong plane, and didn't realize where I was until the stewardess said, "Welcome to South Dakota!" I guess I should have taken off my headphones before I got on the plane, but that Patricia Cornwell book I was listening to was REALLY good! Anyway, it took me a few days to get home because my roommate Chuck ended up having to drive out and get me. (He was not a happy camper, but I drew him some cartoons and he's better now, I think.) Well, hope you like the new cartoon!
Stewart M. Filbert
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