Friday, May 15, 2009

Hi everybody!  Stewart Filbert here, alive and well!  Sorry for all you who tried to visit yesterday and found no new comic posted, but rest assured, I am not lying in a ditch somewhere!  I just couldn’t get home to get one on the computer due to unforeseen circumstances.  Long story short, have you ever heard of a little thing called an appendectomy?  If you haven’t, let me just say YOU DON'T WANT TO!   I was still a little woozy on medications today, but I think this one turned out pretty good.  Check back tomorrow!    



Stewart M. Filbert



  1. I find your cartoons strangely appealing.

  2. Hey wordsandtoons! Thanks for your comment! I'm Stewart! I think oranges are just hilarious! What kind of fruits do you like? Thanks for visiting!
